Hengeveld E, Banks K, eds. Philadelphia PA 19103, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2005, paperback, 636 pp, illus, ISBN: 0-7506-5598-4, $79.95. [Minimum system requirements for CD-ROM: Windows: Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, or XP operating system or the Mac OS 9.1+ operating system, 126 MB RAM, 1024 × 768 pixel screen resolution, millions of colors. Quick Time 6 is required to view the video clips.]
This is the fourth edition of the classic text. This edition contains numerous changes from previous editions. Besides including current, up-to-date references, the format of the text has been completely revised. Each chapter begins with bulleted highlights, key words, and a glossary of terms unique to that chapter. Key concepts of each chapter appear in highlighted boxes for easier visibility and quick reference.
The first 9 chapters are dedicated to the basic principles of the Maitland concept. The introductory chapter presents Maitland's “permeable brick wall,” which discusses the relationships between clinical signs and symptoms and the theories of diagnosis, evidence, pathology, and anatomy. This provides the framework for the open, flexible clinical decision making that has become the hallmark of the Maitland concept. Chapter 2, “Mobilization and Manipulation—Definitions, Desired Effects, Role in Rehabilitation and Evidence Base,” has been significantly updated.
Neurodynamics, which is the influence of the peripheral nerves and their influence on pathology and treatment, is also introduced in this chapter. This is not new from previous editions, but has been expanded for this edition.
Chapter 3, “Communication and the Therapeutic Relationship,” covers all elements of communication between the therapist and the patient in detail. Maitland's approach to communication is very thorough and forms the foundation of his approach. Verbatim examples of the patient–therapist interaction from initial contact, “assessment, treatment, and …