Nanotechnology-mediated delivery of resveratrol as promising strategy to improve therapeutic efficacy in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC): progress and promises
Introduction Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) presents unique challenges indiagnosis and treatment.Resveratrolexhibits potential as a therapeutic intervention for TNBC byregulating various pathways such as the PI3K/AKT, RAS/RAF/ERK, PKCδ,and AMPK, leading to apoptosis through ROS-mediated CHOP activationand the expression of DR4 and DR5. However, the clinical efficacy of resveratrol is limited due to itspoor biopharmaceutical characteristics and low bioavailability at thetumor site. Nanotechnology offers a promising approach to improvingthe biopharmaceutical characteristics of resveratrol to achieveclinical efficacy in different cancers.