High Voltage Transmission Line Electromagnetic Field’s (HVTL-EMF) impact on solar PV performance is analyzed in the proposed work. Depending on HV-EMF, the electrical characteristics and conversion process of PhotoVoltaic (PV) panels are analyzed. Electromagnetic (EM) field from HV lines has a partially positive and somewhat negative impact on solar PV. When absorption probability is low, one photon and one phonon are required. Phonons are vibrational energy units. A solar PV cell made of Silicon (Si) semiconductor material requires phonons to have high conversion efficiency and electric field from HV transmission line induces phonon. In addition, electric field from HV line increases the solar cell temperature (10 to 15°C) to the ambient temperature. Because of high solar PV cell temperature and high EM field, solar PV power generation is affected by increasing panel temperature. The proposed system uses unnatural Phase Change Material (PCM-Glauber salt (Na2SO4.10 H2O)) coated to the backside of solar PV to normalize the temperature. The impact of electromagnetic fields produced by HV lines on solar cells coated with PCM is validated with experimental testing results. The experiment considers a HVTL of 230kV and solar PV rating of 20 W. The experimental results are measured at various distance ranging from 12 to 22 meters between solar PV and HV transmission lines. Conversion efficiency of solar PV with PCM coating under the impact of HVTL- EMF has increased by 3%.