Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) bind to growing iceplanes owing to their structural complementarity nature, thereby inhibiting the ice-crystal growth by thermal hysteresis. Classification of AFPs from sequence is a difficult task due to their low sequence similarity, and therefore, the usual sequence similarity algorithms, like Blast and PSI-Blast, are not efficient. Here, a method combining n-gram feature vectors and machine learning models to accelerate the identification of potential AFPs from sequences is proposed. All these n-gram features are extracted from the K-mer counting method. The comparative analysis reveals that, among different machine learning models, Xgboost outperforms others in predicting AFPs from sequence when penta-mers are used as a feature vector. When tested on an independent dataset, our method performed better compared to other existing ones with sensitivity of 97.50%, recall of 98.30%, and f1 score of 99.10%. Further, we used the SHAP method, which provides important insight into the functional activity of AFPs.