Summary We aimed to investigate the effect of the analgesia nociception index on postoperative pain. We randomly allocated 170 women scheduled for gynaecological laparotomy and analysed results from 159: in 80 women, remifentanil was infused to maintain analgesia nociception indices 50–70; and in 79 women, remifentanil was infused to maintain systolic blood pressure < 120% of baseline values. The primary outcome was the proportion of women with pain scores ≥ 5 (scale 0–10) within 40 min of admission to recovery. The proportion of women with pain scores ≥ 5 was 62/80 (78%) vs. 64/79 (81%), p = 0.73. Mean (SD) doses of fentanyl in recovery were 53.6 (26.9) μg vs. 54.8 (20.8) μg, p = 0.74. Intra‐operative remifentanil doses were 0.124 (0.050) μ −1 .min −1 vs. 0.129 (0.044) μ −1 .min −1 , p = 0.55.