Mimicking the multilayered structure of blood vessels and constructing a porous inner surface are two effective approaches to achieve mechanical matching and rapid endothelialization to reduce occlusion in small-diameter vascular grafts. However, the fabrication processes are complex and time consuming, thus complicating the fabrication of personalized vascular grafts. A simple and versatile strategy is proposed to prepare the skeleton of vascular grafts by rolling self-adhesive polymer films. These polymer films are directly fabricated by dropping a polymer solution on a water surface. For the tubes, the length and wall thickness are controlled by the rolling number and position of each film, whereas the structure and properties are tailored by regulating the solution composition. Double-layer vascular grafts (DLVGs) with microporous inner layers and impermeable outer layers are constructed; a microporous layer is formed by introducing a hydrophilic polymer into a polyurethane (PU) solution. DLVGs exhibit a J-shaped stress-strain deformation profile and compliance comparable to that of coronary arteries, sufficient suture retention strength and burst pressure, suitable hemocompatibility, significant adhesion, and proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Freshly prepared PU tubes exhibit good cytocompatibility. Thus, this strategy demonstrates potential for rapid construction of small-diameter vascular grafts for individual customization.