Random-digit dialing (RDD) telephone surveys are challenged by declining response rates and increasing costs. Many surveys that were traditionally conducted via telephone are seeking cost-effective alternatives, such as address-based sampling (ABS) with self-administered web or mail questionnaires. At a fraction of the cost of both telephone and ABS surveys, opt-in web panels are an attractive alternative. The 2019-2020 National Alcohol Survey (NAS) employed three methods: (1) an RDD telephone survey (traditional NAS method); (2) an ABS push-to-web survey; and (3) an opt-in web panel. The study reported here evaluated differences in the three data-collection methods, which we will refer to as "mode effects," on alcohol consumption and health topics. To evaluate mode effects, multivariate regression models were developed predicting these characteristics, and the presence of a mode effect on each outcome was determined by the significance of the three-level effect (RDD-telephone, ABS-web, opt-in web panel) in each model. Those results were then used to adjust for mode effects and produce a "telephone-equivalent" estimate for the ABS and panel data sources. The study found that ABS-web and RDD were similar for most estimates but exhibited differences for sensitive questions including getting drunk and experiencing depression. The opt-in web panel exhibited more differences between it and the other two survey modes. One notable example is the reporting of drinking alcohol at least 3-4 times per week, which was 21 percent for RDD-phone, 24 percent for ABS-web, and 34 percent for opt-in web panel. The regression model adjusts for mode effects, improving comparability with past surveys conducted by telephone; however, the models result in higher variance of the estimates. This method of adjusting for mode effects has broad applications to mode and sample transitions throughout the survey research industry.