EPAS1 (Endothelial PAS Domain Protein 1) gene is well-known for its function in plateau hypoxia adaptability. It encodes HIF-2α, which involved in the induction of genes regulated by oxygen and then affects multiple physiological processes such as angiogenesis and energy metabolism. All of these indicate it may affect the development of animals. In this study, a 14-bp deletion in EPAS1 gene was uncovered in Shandong black cattle population (n = 502). Two genotypes (II and ID) were found and the frequency of the homozygous II genotype is higher than the heterozygous ID genotype. This population is consisted with HWE (p > 0.05). And more importantly, the 14-bp deletion was associated with outside flat (p = 0.003), brisket (p = 0.001), and knuckle (p = 0.032). These findings suggested that the 14-bp deletion is significantly associated with carcass traits, which could be served as a molecular marker applied to cow breeding.