The accurate estimation of source extent using magnetoencephalography (MEG) is important for the study of preoperative functional localization in epilepsy. Conventional source imaging techniques tend to produce diffuse or focused source estimates that fail to capture the source extent accurately. To address this issue, we propose a novel method called the two-stage Champagne approach (TS-Champagne). TS-Champagne divides source extent estimation into two stages. In the first stage, the Champagne algorithm with noise learning (Champagne-NL) is employed to obtain an initial source estimate. In the second stage, spatial basis functions are constructed from the initial source estimate. These spatial basis functions consist of potential activation source centers and their neighbors, and serve as spatial priors, which are incorporated into Champagne-NL to obtain a final source estimate. We evaluated the performance of TS-Champagne through numerical simulations. TS-Champagne achieved more robust performance under various conditions (i.e., varying source extent, number of sources, signal-to-noise level, and correlation coefficients between sources) than Champagne-NL and several benchmark methods. Furthermore, auditory and median nerve stimulation experiments were conducted using a 31-channel optically pumped magnetometer (OPM)-MEG system. The validation results indicated that the reconstructed source activity was spatially and temporally consistent with the neurophysiological results of previous OPM-MEG studies, further demonstrating the feasibility of TS-Champagne for practical applications.