Through nonlinear self-focusing, femtosecond pulses can propagate several kilometers beyond diffraction limits, forming an ionization channel in air known as a laser filaments. It has been demonstrated that in the wake of the filament, aerosols can be effectively cleared to improve the transmission of subsequent laser pulses or secondary light sources, pertinent to applications in atmospheric sensing. However, the current understanding of aerosol clearing is founded on interactions with droplets to simulate fogs and clouds and thus does not extend to solid particles or atmospheric debris. Using optical trapping, we isolate both graphite and silica microparticles and directly measure the subsequent displacement caused by the filament using time-resolved shadowgraphy. The shock wave from the filament is demonstrated to propel particles away from the filament, directly contributing to atmospheric debris clearing. Particles exposed to the laser light in either the intense filament core or the surrounding energy reservoir are axially displaced along the beam path. It is found that the optomechanical properties of the particle largely influence the axial displacement induced by laser exposure through mechanisms such as radiation pressure, mass ejection from ablation or optical damage, and particle deagglomeration.