期刊:Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology [Emerald (MCB UP)] 日期:2024-10-21被引量:1
Purpose The surge of social media as a pivotal platform for individuals to access travel-related information has become increasingly significant. Drawing upon social-technical theory and weak tie theory, this study aims to delve into the antecedents and moderating variables shaping impulsive travel intentions within social media. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 696 Chinese social media users and travelers and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings The findings indicate that information quality and social network interaction significantly influence spatial presence, thereby increasing users’ impulsive travel intentions. The moderating roles of tie strength and face consciousness are confirmed. For travelers with strong ties, their spatial presence is impacted more by social network interaction. Conversely, for individuals with weak ties, spatial presence is more influenced by information quality. In addition, travelers with heightened face consciousness exhibit a diminished susceptibility to the influence of spatial presence on their travel intentions compared to those with lower face consciousness. Originality/value The study endeavors to extend the application of the social-technical theory in the domain of tourism social media marketing by examining the interplay of technological and social attributes on impulsive travel intention. It integrates weak tie theory into the socio-technical perspective, emphasizing the importance of weak ties in the social media environment and their influence on travel behavior. In addition, this study introduces face consciousness to the mechanism, seeking to broaden the research scope and capture the nuances of specific cultural contexts. The insights contribute valuable knowledge for destinations and tourism companies to optimize social media marketing.