The affective role is an integral aspect of the teacher's professional role, but has not received adequate scrutiny. The aim of this research was to conceptualise the construct of the affective role of the teacher (AfRT). In study 1, qualitative content analysis was employed to identify potential components of the AfRT from literature. Study 2 involved operationalising these aspects through interview with teachers, questionnaire for students, and classroom observations. In addition, preliminary conceptualisation was refined based on results obtained from 10 both highly and less favoured teachers. Study 3 proposed conceptualisation comprising 17 components, utilising a sample of 100 seventh-grade teachers.. Employing the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and mutitrait-multimethod approach, a three-factor solution of the AfRT was tested, along with more restrictive nested models. The results suggest three core dimensions of the AfRT: Emotional awareness and management, Emotional connection, and Emotional attitude. Implications for teacher education and evaluation are discussed.