Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in children under 5 years worldwide. Every child aged 3 to 5 years has experienced at least one episode of rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE). In China, RVGE accounts for approximately 40% and 30% of diarrhea-related hospitalizations and outpatient visits in children under 5 years, and about 90% of RVGE occur in the children under 2 years. RVGE imposes heave burden to health care system and family and has gained wide attention from public health. World Health Organization ranked RVGE as the high priority vaccine-preventable disease. As of October 2019, 102 countries and regions have incorporated rotavirus vaccine into national immunization program, which has remarkably reduced disease burden and death associated with RVGE in children under 5 years worldwide. For this purpose, the Yangtze River Delta Immunization Integration Working Group, Chinese Medical Association Infectious Diseases Branch Pediatric Infection and Hepatology Group formulated the 'Expert consensus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children' based on the latest and important English and Chinese literatures. This consensus will be briefly described in the perspective of epidemiology, disease burden, clinical characteristics, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment to comprehensively landscape the epidemiology of rotavirus, scientifically evaluate the clinical symptoms and disease burden of rotavirus infection, comprehensively consider the vaccination prevention and treatment measures, and further construct and improve the integrated prevention and control strategy of RVGE in the region of Yangtze River Delta.轮状病毒是全球5岁以下婴幼儿急性胃肠炎的首要致病原,几乎每个3~5岁的儿童都经历过至少1次轮状病毒感染。在中国,轮状病毒胃肠炎分别约占5岁以下儿童腹泻住院和门诊病例的40%和30%,约90%的轮状病毒胃肠炎病例发生在2岁以下婴幼儿,给医疗卫生系统和患者家庭带来沉重的负担,是儿科和公共卫生领域广泛关注的问题。世界卫生组织将轮状病毒胃肠炎列为需要疫苗高度优先预防的疾病,截至2019年10月,全球已有102个国家和地区将轮状病毒疫苗纳入国家免疫规划项目,疫苗的接种有效降低了轮状病毒胃肠炎疾病负担和全球5岁以下儿童轮状病毒疾病导致的死亡。长三角免疫规划一体化项目组,中华医学会感染病学分会儿童感染和肝病学组共同制定了《儿童轮状病毒胃肠炎预防诊疗专家共识》,结合国内外研究最新进展,从病原学、流行病学、疾病负担、临床特征、实验室诊断、预防和治疗等几方面加以阐述。全面了解轮状病毒的流行病学特征,科学评价轮状病毒感染的临床症状和疾病负担,综合考虑预防和诊疗措施,进一步构建和完善轮状病毒胃肠炎的综合防控策略。.