Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) is involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, cell death, tumorigenesis, and follicular expression. Although CLSTN2 has been identified as a potential candidate gene for sheep prolificacy, no studies have been done on its effect on goat prolificacy. The purpose of this study was to identify mRNA expression and genetic variation within goat CLSTN2, and its association with prolificacy. Herein, we uncovered significant differences in mRNA levels of the CLSTN2 gene in different tissues in female goats (p < 0.01), including ovary tissue. Nine putative indels were designed to investigate their correlation to litter size, but only one 16-bp deletion was discovered in female Shaanbei white cashmere goats (n = 902). We discovered that a 16-bp deletion within the CLSTN2 gene was significantly correlated with first-born litter size (p = 0.0001). As shown by the chi-squared test, the genotypic II of single-lambs and multi-lambs was dramatically higher than with genotype ID (p = 0.005). Our findings suggest that indel within the CLSTN2 gene is a candidate gene affecting prolificacy in goats and may be used for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in goats.