Compositional and functional succession of soil bacterial communities during long-term rice cultivation on saline-alkali soils: Insights derived from a new perspective of the core bacterial taxa
The conversion of saline-alkali soils into paddy fields for long-term rice cultivation involves multiple disturbances, and as a result, soil microbial communities are altered to adapt to a changing environment. A comprehensive understanding of the succession of soil bacterial communities that occurs during this process, however, is still lacking. In the present study, we utilized data obtained from rice paddies of different cultivation years to investigate the compositional and functional succession of the soil bacterial community. We focused on core bacterial taxa that were specifically enriched at different successional stages. Generalized joint attribute modeling (GJAM) was used to identify core bacterial taxa. Results indicated that bare saline-alkali soils shared few core amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) with paddy fields. Longimicrobiaceae from the phylum Gemmatimonadetes was dominant in bare saline-alkali soils, while their dominance was subsequently replaced by Burkholderiaceae and Pedosphaeraceae, phyla affiliated with the Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia, after 5 years and 23 years of rice cultivation, respectively. The abundance of nitrogen metabolism functions in the core bacterial community present in bare saline-alkali soils were higher than they were in other successional stages, while sulfur metabolism functions exhibited the opposite trend. These data indicate that the role of the core bacterial taxa in mediating nutrient cycling also changed and adapted to changing soil conditions as rice cultivation became established. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that the compositions of the core bacterial community in Y0, Y5s, Y10s, and Y20s groups were driven by nitrate-nitrogen content, soil pH, available phosphorus content, and the ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen, respectively. In summary, the present study provides insights into the succession of soil bacterial communities and core bacterial taxa that occur during long-term rice cultivation.