In general, Cloud Computing refers to the storage and access of data through the internet rather than on a local computer hard drive. Cloud services assist in reducing the amount of space and money required for data storage. Data that must be accessed from the cloud must be protected. However, cloud owners and users have a big hurdle in terms of security and personal data privacy. Due to the data owners' lack of trust, they save their data in an encrypted format that is inaccessible to outsiders. The phrase "proxy re-encryption" (PRE) refers to a popular way of delivering encrypted data stored in the cloud. When a data owner wants to share encrypted data with both the data user and the cloud server (proxy), the data owner generates re-encryption data and sends it to the proxy, which can use it to convert the data holder's ciphertexts into the user's plaintexts without having to look at the plaintexts beneath. The implementation demonstrates that our proposed work protects privacy while also allowing for secure data sharing via cloud computing.