Abstract Infectious diseases caused by bacterial infections are common in clinical practice. Cell membrane coating nanotechnology represents a pioneering approach for the delivery of therapeutic agents without being cleared by the immune system in the meantime. And the mechanism of infection treatment should be divided into two parts: suppression of pathogenic bacteria and suppression of excessive immune response. The membrane-coated nanoparticles exert anti-bacterial function by neutralizing exotoxins and endotoxins, and some other bacterial proteins. Inflammation, the second procedure of bacterial infection, can also be suppressed through targeting the inflamed site, neutralization of toxins, and the suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. And platelet membrane can affect the complement process to suppress inflammation. Membrane-coated nanoparticles treat bacterial infections through the combined action of membranes and nanoparticles, and diagnose by imaging, forming a theranostic system. Several strategies have been discovered to enhance the anti-bacterial/anti-inflammatory capability, such as synthesizing the material through electroporation, pretreating with the corresponding pathogen, membrane hybridization, or incorporating with genetic modification, lipid insertion, and click chemistry. Here we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge regarding the application of membrane-coated nanoparticles in preventing bacterial infections as well as addressing existing uncertainties and misconceptions.