Abstract To meet surging water demands, water reuse is being sought as an alternative to traditional water resources. Direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) has been increasingly studied in the past decade for its potential as an emerging cost effective wastewater treatment process and subsequent water reuse. This review presents a comprehensive overview of the current progress in the application of DCMD for textile wastewater treatment based on the available state of the art. There are already published review papers about the membrane distillation process, but the difference in the present work is that it focuses on the textile area, which consumes a lot of water and generates large amounts of wastewater, and still needs innovations in the sector. A review focused on the textile sector draws the attention of professionals to the problem and, consequently, to a solution. Current issues such as the influences of feed solution, membrane characteristics and membrane fouling and new insights are discussed. The main performance operating conditions and their effects on the separation process are given. Likewise, challenges associated with the influence of different dyes on the DCMD results are explained. This review also highlights the future research directions for DCMD to achieve successful implementation in the textile industry.