Visible radiation at resonant frequencies is transduced to thermal energy by surface plasmons on gold nanoparticles. Temperature in ≤10-μL aqueous suspensions of 20-nm gold particles irradiated by a continuous wave Ar+ ion laser at 514 nm increased to a maximum equilibrium value. This value increased in proportion to incident laser power and in proportion to nanoparticle content at low concentration. Heat input to the system by nanoparticle transduction of resonant irradiation equaled heat flux outward by conduction and radiation at thermal equilibrium. The efficiency of transducing incident resonant light to heat by microvolume suspensions of gold nanoparticles was determined by applying an energy balance to obtain a microscale heat-transfer time constant from the transient temperature profile. Measured values of transduction efficiency were increased from 3.4% to 9.9% by modulating the incident continuous wave irradiation.