Nicholas B. Woodall,Zara Y. Weinberg,Jesslyn Park,Florian Büsch,Richard S. Johnson,Mikayla J. Feldbauer,Michael Murphy,Maggie Ahlrichs,Issa Yousif,Michael J. MacCoss,Vicki H. Wysocki,Hana El‐Samad,David Baker
Kinases play central roles in signaling cascades, relaying information from the outside to the inside of mammalian cells. De novo designed protein switches capable of interfacing with tyrosine kinase signaling pathways would open new avenues for controlling cellular behavior, but, so far, no such systems have been described. Here we describe the de novo design of two classes of protein switch that link phosphorylation by tyrosine and serine kinases to protein-protein association. In the first class, protein-protein association is required for phosphorylation by the kinase, while in the second class, kinase activity drives protein-protein association. We design systems that couple protein binding to kinase activity on the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif central to T-cell signaling, and kinase activity to reconstitution of green fluorescent protein fluorescence from fragments and the inhibition of the protease calpain. The designed switches are reversible and function in vitro and in cells with up to 40-fold activation of switching by phosphorylation.