Abstract Background and Aims Alagille Syndrome (ALGS) is a congenital disorder caused by mutations in the Notch ligand gene JAGGED1 , leading to neonatal loss of intrahepatic duct (IHD) cells and cholestasis. Cholestasis can resolve in certain patients with ALGS, suggesting regeneration of IHD cells. However, the mechanisms driving IHD cell regeneration following Jagged loss remains unclear. Here, we show that cholestasis due to developmental loss of IHD cells can be consistently phenocopied in zebrafish with compound jagged1b and jagged2b mutations or knockdown. Approach and Results Leveraging the transience of jagged knockdown in juvenile zebrafish, we find that resumption of Jagged expression leads to robust regeneration of IHD cells through a Notch‐dependent mechanism. Combining multiple lineage tracing strategies with whole‐liver three‐dimensional imaging, we demonstrate that the extrahepatic duct (EHD) is the primary source of multipotent progenitors that contribute to the regeneration, but not to the development, of IHD cells. Hepatocyte‐to‐IHD cell transdifferentiation is possible but rarely detected. Progenitors in the EHD proliferate and migrate into the liver with Notch signaling loss and differentiate into IHD cells if Notch signaling increases. Tissue‐specific mosaic analysis with an inducible dominant‐negative Fgf receptor suggests that Fgf signaling from the surrounding mesenchymal cells maintains this extrahepatic niche by directly preventing premature differentiation and allocation of EHD progenitors to the liver. Indeed, transcriptional profiling and functional analysis of adult mouse EHD organoids uncover their distinct differentiation and proliferative potential relative to IHD organoids. Conclusions Our data show that IHD cells regenerate upon resumption of Jagged/Notch signaling, from multipotent progenitors originating from an Fgf‐dependent extrahepatic stem cell niche. We posit that if Jagged/Notch signaling is augmented, through normal stochastic variation, gene therapy, or a Notch agonist, regeneration of IHD cells in patients with ALGS may be enhanced.