Association of traditional Chinese medicine body constitution and moderate-to-severe cancer-related fatigue in cancer patients

医学 癌症相关疲劳 优势比 癌症 置信区间 中医药 逻辑回归 内科学 横断面研究 物理疗法 替代医学 病理
Ming-Hsien Yeh,Chiu-Hui Chao,Malcolm Koo,Chiu-Yuan Chen,Chia-Chou Yeh,Te‐Mao Li
期刊:Complementary Therapies in Medicine [Elsevier]
卷期号:43: 44-48 被引量:21

Fatigue is one of the most prevalent adverse events reported by cancer patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between traditional Chinese medicine body constitution (TCMBC) and moderate-to-severe cancer-related fatigue in cancer patients.A cross-sectional study was conducted on cancer patients recruited from a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. The association between TCMBC, measured using the Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CCMQ) and moderate-to-severe cancer-related fatigue (based on the Taiwanese version of the Brief Fatigue Inventory score ≥ 4) was evaluated using multiple logistic regression analysis.Of the 170 participants, 37 (21.8%) had moderate-to-severe fatigue. Yang-deficiency (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.55, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.50-8.40) and Qi-deficiency (aOR = 2.84, 95% CI = 1.18-6.82) TCMBC were significantly associated with moderate-to-severe cancer-related fatigue.TCMBC could be used as a clinical tool to identify cancer patients prone to experience moderate-to-severe cancer-related fatigue, and to provide Chinese medicine practitioners a basis for selecting an appropriate treatment approach based on TCMBC.
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