Effect of different device parameters on tin-based perovskite solar cell coupled with In2S3 electron transport layer and CuSCN and Spiro-OMeTAD alternative hole transport layers for high-efficiency performance
SCAPS 1-D was used for the simulation of lead-free environmentally benign methylammonium tin-iodide (CH3NH3SnI3) based solar cell. Indium sulfide (In2S3) was utilized as the electron transport layer (ETL) for its high carrier mobility and optimized band structure, unlike traditional titanium oxide (TiO2) ETL. Traditional expensive spiro-OMeTAD (C81H68N4O8) and cheaper cuprous thiocyanate (CuSCN) were utilized alternatively as hole transport layer (HTL) to observe the effect of different HTL on cell performance. We investigated the trend in electrical measurements by altering parameters such as thickness, defect density, valence band (VB) effective density of state and bandgap of the absorber layer, interfacial trap densities, and defect density of ETL. At optimum condition, the device revealed the highest efficiency of 18.45% for CuSCN (HTL) and 19.32% for spiro-OMeTAD (HTL) configuration. The effect of working temperature, the wavelength of light and band-to-band radiative recombination rate was also observed for both configurations. All these simulation results will help to fabricate eco-friendly high-efficiency perovskite solar cell by replacing the commonly used toxic lead-based perovskite.