The natural history and optimal treatment of previously ruptured anterior communicating artery (ACOM) aneurysms that recur is unknown. This study looks at rates of complications and recurrences of ruptured ACOM aneurysms treated endovascularly and surgically.A retrospective observational study of all patients presenting to a single tertiary neurosurgical centre with the first presentation of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) secondary to a ruptured ACOM aneurysm. Data was collected from November 2012 to September 2018 and included baseline demographics, aneurysm characteristics, management, complications, follow-up imaging, and clinical outcomes.137 patients were included in the study. 113 aneurysms were coiled and 19 were clipped. Management decisions were taken by the multidisciplinary team based on aneurysm morphology or the presence of a haematoma exerting mass effect. There were 187.5 patient-years of follow-up, with a median of 3 years (range 0-73 months). Rates of vasospasm, infarction, CSF diversion, rebleed, length of stay, and functional outcome were not significantly different in the two cohorts. There was a statistically significant increase in the risk of ACOM recurrence in the coiled group when compared to the clipped group at one year (p = .0433). 15 patients required further treatment at a median time of 16 months. In a subgroup group analysis of coiled aneurysms, there was no statistical differences in rates of rebleeding or the functional outcome in those that had aneurysm recurrence and those that did not.This study suggests patients with aneurysms treated by endovascular coiling have an increased risk of recurrence versus those treated with clipping. However, the risk of rebleed was not statistically significant. The prevention and impact of recurrence and residual aneurysms remains incompletely understood. Hence, treatment decisions should be taken by patients after they have been given carefully considered recommendations from the multi-disciplinary team.