The discovery of ring systems around Uranus and Jupiter, and the Pioneer and
Voyager spacecraft observations of Saturn, have shown that planetary rings
are both more common and more complex than previously suspected. These
ring systems, interesting in their own right, also serve as prototypes for more
massive disk systems such as accretion disks and spiral galaxies occurring
elsewhere in astronomy.
Disks and rings are a natural consequence of dissipation in rotating systems.
A cloud of debris surrounding a spherical planet settles into a flat circular ring
because interparticle collisions dissipate energy but conserve total angular
momentum. Since planets are oblate, only the component of angular momentum
along the spin axis is conserved, and the flat ring lies in the equatorial
Collisions redistribute angular momentum among the particles and the ring
spreads, transferring mass inward and angular momentum outward (Lynden-Bell
& Pringle 1974). However, the spreading process occurs on a much
longer timescale than the flattening process since the collision speeds in a flat
ring are much lower than the orbital speeds (see Sections 2.2 and 5. 3).
Spreading can be slowed by gravitational interactions with satellites; nevertheless,
a ring cannot live forever and an important constraint on possible ring models is that they yield survival times at least comparable to the age of the
solar system (cf. Sections 5, 6).
This review was written in October 1981, shortly after the Voyager 2
encounter with Saturn. Analysis of the data from the Voyager encounters is not
yet complete. Therefore the emphasis in this review is on the basic physical
processes that occur in planetary rings, rather than on a detailed confrontation
of theoretical predictions with observation.
Table 1 lists some of the important properties of the planets with known ring
For the sake of brevity we shall refer to a series of papers we have written
on rings (Goldreich & Tremaine 1978a, b, c, 1979a, b, c, 1980, 1981) as GT
1, . . . , GT 8.