Abstract An experimental system has been setup inside an argon atmosphere glove box to carry out studies on the actinide draw down process, an important step of the pyroprocess flow sheet. Studies have been carried out at 723 K on the extraction of uranium from LiCl-KCl eutectic salt containing 0.5% UCl 3 using lithium-0.03% cadmium alloy. In these experiments, 5 L of the molten salt and 5 L of the molten alloy are fed to a single stage extractor where 250 mL of the salt and 250 mL of the alloy come into contact. A three stage stirrer having straight as well as pitched blade turbine impellers was used to mix the molten alloy and salt phases having high interfacial tension of 450 dyne/cm. The results of the studies indicate that a U extraction efficiency of 99% could be achieved.