The hybrid of additive manufacturing and subtractive manufacturing is promising in producing high-quality and high-accuracy parts made of hard-to-machine metallic materials with complex geometries. However, few studies have been conducted to analyze the influence of responses from subtractive manufacturing, especially the plastic deformation region induced by mechanical cutting, on the following additive manufacturing processes. This paper comprehensively investigates the impact of finishing milling on the mechanical properties and quality of 316L fabricated by hybrid additive-subtractive manufacturing. The whole manufacturing process consisted of a two-stage micro selective laser melting μSLM process with three scanning speeds and one finishing milling process. Typical machining responses including phase, cutting force, surface roughness at different manufacturing stages were analyzed; the mechanisms of how the deformation-affected region induced in subtractive manufacturing process affects the microstructure, hardness, and mechanical properties after the second-stage additive manufacturing were explored. Fine grains were formed after the second-stage μSLM in the connected region, because of the lower G/R ratio and the higher G × R value, whereas the hardness in this region was lower than the bulk material consisting of coarse grains, caused by the thermal softening effect induced in mechanical cutting. The elongation rate was increased due to the existence of the grain-boundary-rich connected region.