Impedance matching can maximize the absorbed power transferred to the plasma load and minimize the reflected power, making it critical and indispensable for capacitively coupled plasmas (CCPs). The external circuit usually interacts with the plasma nonlinearly, so the global simulation of the external circuit and plasma and the matching design is very challenging. In this work, an a priori model was proposed to match the plasma impedance and the external circuit impedance for single-frequency CCPs. By calculating the plasma impedance and the matching network, the matching parameters were iteratively updated to find the best matching parameters. By adjusting the capacitance and the inductance of the circuit by numerical simulations, the reflection coefficient can be significantly reduced. At the same time, the plasma power absorption efficiency will be significantly improved. The universality of the method was demonstrated by choosing different initial circuit, discharge, and plasma parameters. The proposed method provides an effective matching design reference for CCPs.