Currently limited research reported the design of microfiltration (MF) membranes specially for handling complex food processing streams such as rough beer. This study aimed to address this knowledge gap by tailoring for the first time a new class of polyvinylidene fluoride/poly(vinyl butyral) (PVDF/PVB) blend MF membrane with highly controllable pore structure and improved anti-fouling properties, and demonstrate its potential in real rough beer filtration. Combining an unconventional nonsolvent thermally induced phase separation (NTIPS) method and a unique quinary dope solution (i.e., PVDF/PVB/PVP/DMAc/MgCl2) with lower critical solution temperature (LCST) feature, the roles of PVB content and coagulation temperature were investigated in terms of pore structure characteristics and hydrophilicity. Although both the control PVDF membrane M0 without PVB and M6 with optimal 6.0 % PVB achieved similar turbidity removal (98–100 %), M6 exhibited enhanced permeance ranging from 27 % to 12 % with increasing simulated feed complexity from containing dextran only, yeast only to yeast/dextran mixture. The contribution of fouling of these key beer components was analyzed, indicating that the co-existence of yeast and dextran significantly aggravated fouling. Combining with membrane autopsy, in real rough beer filtration M6 showed permeance of 26.7 L·m−2·h−1·bar−1 at 1 bar that was ∼70 % higher than M0. Although with ∼50 % less irreversible fouling than M0, water cleaning implemented on M6 only recovered 62.5 % of flux. The simultaneous investigations on alkaline cleaning and operating pressure found that: a reasonably low pressure seemed favorable, e.g., 63.6 L·m−2·h−1·bar−1 at 0.2 bar, achieving up to flux recovery of ∼91 % with only ∼10 % contributed by irreversible fouling. Overall this study offers a facile yet practical strategy to tailor membranes for beer filtration, serving as an inspiration for designing future membrane processes for treating complex food processing and industry waste streams.