The conversion of existing buildings to ZEH and ZEB requires increased thermal insulation, in which the insulation of window surfaces is particularly important. This study focused on measuring and comparing the changes in thermal conductivity of transparent vacuum insulation panels (TVIP), which could be used as simple and easy to install insulation to building windows. These changes were later compared with the results obtained from previous studies conducted by other research group members. The measured thermal conductivity values ranged between 0.017 W/(m*K) of the best performing frame-type with the thickness of 5.1 mm, and 0.011 W/(m*K) of the best performing double-layered peak-type core with the thickness of 7.8 mm. The calculated U-values of the samples ranged between 4.1 W/(m 2 *K) and 1.4 W/(m 2 *K). From the experimental results it could be seen that changing the core composition had a larger effect on the overall thermal conductivity of the sample than the added parameters of coating, getter agent, and heating had. These parameters, however, have had a substantial effect on the longevity of the vacuum inside the sample envelopes, and will thus be experimented further.