The clinical data and joint ultrasound characteristics of 140 male patients aged from 18 to 70 years who were diagnosed with acute gout from June 2017 to June 2021 in Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University were selected for the retrospective analysis. According to the serum uric acid levels, the patients were divided into normal uric acid group (sUA≤420 μmol/L, 38 cases) and hyperuric acid group (sUA>420 μmol/L, 102 cases).The results suggested that the lower limb joints were the most affected in gout patients. The deposition of MSU crystal were still found in male gout patients with normal serum uric acid, and the standard urate-lowering therapy should also be carried out. Ultrasound can be used as an important supplementary tool for the diagnosis of gout. Group with high level serum uric acid may be more serious.本研究回顾性分析2017年6月至2021年6月因急性痛风发作在河北医科大学第三医院风湿免疫科住院治疗的140例男性患者的临床资料及关节超声特点,年龄18~70岁。根据血尿酸水平分为两组:血尿酸正常组(sUA≤420 μmol/L)38例,血尿酸升高组(sUA>420 μmol/L)102例。结果发现痛风患者均以下肢关节受累最多见,即使血尿酸正常男性痛风患者亦可于超声下发现尿酸盐沉积,同样需要规范降尿酸治疗。超声可作为血尿酸检测外痛风诊断重要补充方法;血尿酸升高组痛风患者可能病情更重。.