Cancer is a complex genomic mutation disease, and identifying cancer driver genes promotes the development of targeted drugs and personalized therapies. The current computational method takes less consideration of the relationship among features and the effect of noise in protein-protein interaction(PPI) data, resulting in a low recognition rate. In this paper, we propose a cancer driver genes identification method based on dynamic incentive model, DIM. This method firstly constructs a hypergraph to reduce the impact of false positive data in PPI. Then, the importance of genes in each hyperedge in hypergraph is considered from three perspectives, network and functional score(NFS) is proposed. By analyzing the relation among features, the dynamic incentive model is proposed to fuse NFS, the differential expression score of mRNA and the differential expression score of miRNA. DIM is compared with some classical methods on breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and pan-cancer datasets. The results show that DIM has the best performance on statistical evaluation indicators, functional consistency and the partial area under the ROC curve, and has good cross-cancer capability.