Reconfigurable neuromorphic computing holds promise for advancing energy-efficient neural network implementation and functional versatility. Previous work has focused on emulating specific neural functions rather than an integrated approach. We propose an all two-dimensional (2D) material-based heterostructure capable of performing multiple neuromorphic operations by reconfiguring output terminals in response to stimuli. Specifically, our device can synergistically emulate the key neural elements of the synapse, neuron, and dendrite, which play important and interrelated roles in information processing. Dendrites, the branches that receive and transmit presynaptic action potentials, possess the ability to nonlinearly integrate and filter incoming signals. The proposed heterostructure allows reconfiguration between different operation modes, demonstrating its potential for diverse computing tasks. As a proof of concept, we show that the device can perform basic Boolean logic functions. This highlights its applicability to complex neural-network-based information processing problems. Our integrated neuromorphic approach may advance the development of versatile, low-power neuromorphic hardware.