Forward genetic screen of Caenorhabditis elegans mutants with impaired sleep reveals a crucial role of neuronal diacylglycerol kinase DGK-1 in regulating sleep
The sleep state is widely observed in animals. The molecular mechanisms underlying sleep regulation, however, remain largely unclear. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, developmentally timed sleep (DTS) and stress-induced sleep (SIS) are 2 types of quiescent behaviors that fulfill the definition of sleep and share conserved sleep-regulating molecules with mammals. To identify novel sleep-regulating molecules, we conducted an unbiased forward genetic screen based on DTS phenotypes. We isolated 2 mutants, rem8 and rem10, that exhibited significantly disrupted DTS and SIS. The causal gene of the abnormal sleep phenotypes in both mutants was mapped to dgk-1, which encodes diacylglycerol kinase. Perhaps due to the diminished SIS, dgk-1 mutant worms exhibited decreased survival following exposure to a noxious stimulus. Pan-neuronal and/or cholinergic expression of dgk-1 partly rescued the dgk-1 mutant defects in DTS, SIS, and post-stress survival. Moreover, we revealed that pkc-1/nPKC participates in sleep regulation and counteracts the effect of dgk-1; the reduced DTS, SIS, and post-stress survival rate were partly suppressed in the pkc-1; dgk-1 double mutant compared with the dgk-1 single mutant. Excessive sleep observed in the pkc-1 mutant was also suppressed in the pkc-1; dgk-1 double mutant, implying that dgk-1 has a complicated mode of action. Our findings indicate that neuronal DGK-1 is essential for normal sleep and that the counterbalance between DGK-1 and PKC-1 is crucial for regulating sleep and mitigating post-stress damage.