Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is one of the effective options for the treatment of irradiation-induced injury on hematopoiesis, malignant hematological diseases, and numerous benign severe hematopathy. However, the cellular composition of the graft for HSCT, as well as the significant events of transplanted HSCs in receipients including HSC homing, engraftment, differentiation, remains to be further elucidated. In recent years, with advances in single-cell techniques, the hematopoiesis has been decoding at single cell scale. In addition, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has been used in the evaluation of hematopoietic dynamics post HSCT, which may be helpful to improve HSCT protocols and clinical outcomes. Hence, the recent advances of evaluating HSCT at single cell scale and the directions worthy paying attention to in the field have been reviewed briefly.单细胞尺度评价造血干细胞移植术的研究进展.造血干细胞移植术(HSCT)是救治血液系统辐射损伤、恶性血液病和部分重型良性血液病的有效手段之一,但供者移植物的构成以及造血干细胞在受者体内的归巢、植入和分化等关键生物学行为尚需深入解析。近年来,随着单细胞技术的发展,研究人员绘制了造血系统的单细胞图谱。除此之外,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)已开始用于追踪移植后造血系统的动态变化,为优化HSCT策略及改善移植预后提供了帮助。基于此,本文对单细胞尺度评价HSCT的研究进展及相关领域今后值得关注的方向作一综述.