Enhancing Hemocompatibility in ECMO Systems With a Fibrinolytic Interactive Coating: in Vitro Evaluation of Blood Clot Lysis Using a 3D Microfluidic Model
Abstract Blood‐contacting medical devices, especially extracorporeal membrane oxygenators (ECMOs), are highly susceptible to surface‐induced coagulation because of their extensive surface area. This can compromise device functionality and lead to life‐threatening complications. High doses of anticoagulants, combined with anti‐thrombogenic surface coatings, are typically employed to mitigate this risk, but such treatment can lead to hemorrhagic complications. Therefore, bioactive surface coatings that mimic endothelial blood regulation are needed. However, evaluating these coatings under realistic ECMO conditions is both expensive and challenging. This study utilizes microchannel devices to simulate ECMO fluid dynamics and assess the clot‐lysis efficacy of a self‐activating fibrinolytic coating system. The system uses antifouling polymer brushes combined with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) to induce fibrinolysis at the surface. Here, tPA catalyzes the conversion of blood plasminogen into plasmin, which dissolves clots. This positive feedback loop enhances clot digestion under ECMO‐like conditions. This findings demonstrate that this coating system can significantly improve the hemocompatibility of medical device surfaces.