Auto-concentrated growth factor (CGF) constitutes the latest generation of plasma extract, and has high concentrations of growth factors and white blood cells. Due to the continuous variable speed centrifugation used during preparation, the tensile strength of the fibrin is also higher. CGF preparation does not involve the use of animal serum, minimizing the risk of infection and immune rejection. Therefore, it has wide potential applications in various fields of regenerative medicine. This paper summarizes the history behind CGF development, reviews the clinical applications and research progress concerning single CGF therapy and CGF used in combination with other treatments in multiple wound repair, and summarizes its potential value as therapeutic agent. Finally, some constructive suggestions and research perspectives for the application of CGF in wound healing are put forward. The available evidence indicates that CGF can promote the healing of chronic refractory wounds and acute wound, promote the growth of granulation, accelerate the speed and improve the quality of wound healing, reduce scar formation, minimize the need for repeated wound dressing, and ameliorate the pain experienced by patients.