Abstract Integration of complementary logic circuits using 2D layered MoS 2 can overcome the fundamental device limitations of silicon‐based Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. For the high functionality of complementary MoS 2 logic circuits, realizing high‐current p‐channel MoS 2 field‐effect transistors (p‐FETs) is essential yet quite challenging. Herein, passivation of surface defects of MoS 2 by atomic oxygen is proposed theoretically by ab initio simulations in favor of mitigating the Fermi level pinning. Experimentally, an atomic layer passivation (ALP) technique combined with a slow metal‐deposition strategy is developed to reduce contact resistance to p‐channel MoS 2 and report a more than tenfold increase in the contact hole conductance. The fabricated p‐channel MoS 2 FETs achieve a record high saturation current of 45 µA µm −1 with a 0.7 µm channel length under a V DS of −1 V. With these techniques, an electron–hole pairing in MoS 2 similar to the Si counterpart is achieved for complementary circuit applications. An on‐chip integrated MoS 2 inverter with Pt electrodes is demonstrated with a high gain of 20 at 3 V supply.