Modified minimally invasive surgical technique in human intrabony defects with or without regenerative materials—10‐year follow‐up of a randomized clinical trial: Tooth retention, periodontitis recurrence, and costs
The modified minimally invasive surgical technique (M-MIST) optimizes wound stability in the treatment of intrabony defects. Short-term observations show similar results as with flap alone or adjunctive regenerative materials. This study aims to compare the stability of the long-term outcomes, complication-free survival, and costs of the three treatment options.Forty-five intrabony defects in 45 patients were randomized to M-MIST alone (N = 15), combined with enamel matrix derivative (M-MIST + EMD, N = 15), or EMD plus bone-mineral-derived xenograph (M-MIST + EMD + BMDX, N = 15). Supportive periodontal care (SPC) and necessary re-treatment were provided for 10 years.Three subjects were lost to follow-up. Clinical attachment level differences between 1 and 10 years were -0.1 ± 0.7 mm for M-MIST, -0.1 ± 0.8 mm for M-MIST + EMD, and -0.3 ± 0.6 mm for M-MIST + EMD + BMDX (p > .05 for within- and between-group differences). Four episodes of recurrence occurred in the M-MIST group, four in the M-MIST + EMD group, and five in the M-MIST + EMD + BMDX group. No significant differences in complication-free survival were observed between the three groups (p = .47). Complication-free survival was 7.46 years (95% confidence interval: 7.05-7.87) for the whole population. The M-MIST + EMD + BMDX group lost one treated tooth. Data indicated no significant inter-group difference of the total cost of recurrence over 10 years. When the baseline cost of treatment was considered, the total cost was lower for M-MIST alone.Teeth with deep pockets associated with intrabony defects can be successfully maintained over the long term with either M-MIST alone or by adding a regenerative material in the context of a careful SPC programme. M-MIST alone provided similar short- and long-term benefits as regeneration, at a lower cost. These findings need to be confirmed in larger, independent studies.