The global value chain has promoted foreign direct investments in emerging markets. Not only resources but also public policies can affect the inflows or outflows of foreign direct investments (FDI). This study investigates the effect of economic policy uncertainty on net foreign direct investment inflows in 48 Asian countries. We use the panel dataset from different sources from 1995 to 2020. Our core dependent variable is net foreign direct investment inflows, and the explanatory variable is economic policy uncertainty. The study’s control variables include trade, GDP per capita, GDP growth, population, financial development, inflation, and employment. We use the generalized system method of moment (SYS_GMM). Furthermore, the robustness of our empirical results is checked by using the different proxy variables of policy uncertainty. Our results confirm the negative effect of policy uncertainty on foreign direct investment inflows in 48 Asian countries. Our results show that foreign investment inflows are more sensitive than domestic investment. The influence of domestic and global uncertainty on inward FDI is greater than domestic investment. Furthermore, the interaction effect of financial development (FD) shows that FD does not affect mitigation of the negative impact of global economic policy uncertainty on foreign investment inflow. In contrast, FD mitigates the adverse effects of domestic policy uncertainty on foreign and domestic investment. The findings imply that policies need to be attractive, effective, and transparent to woo FDI to the emerging markets.