The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in personalized education is revolutionizing traditional learning paradigms, enabling adaptive, data-driven approaches to enhance learning outcomes. This research investigates how AI-driven technologies, including intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning platforms, and predictive analytics, transform the educational landscape by providing tailored, learner-centered experiences. AI facilitates the identification of individual learning patterns, preferences, and challenges, offering customized content delivery and real-time feedback to optimize student engagement and comprehension. The study emphasizes the role of AI in fostering equitable access to quality education by bridging gaps in learning opportunities and addressing diverse needs. Furthermore, it explores the ethical implications of AI in education, such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the balance between human and machine-driven instruction. By examining current advancements, case studies, and future prospects, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI technologies can drive innovation in personalized education and contribute to more effective, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments.