Abstract— An improved method for phycobilisome isolation from a blue‐green alga Nostoc sp. was developed using 1% Triton X‐100. The phycobilisome preparations showed little fragmentation and had structures similar in size to those observed in thin sections of the organism. Phycobiliproteins isolated from phycobilisomes and examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, had subunits with the following molecular weights: phycoerythrin (PE), 20,000 and 16,900; phycocyanin (PC), 14,700 and 16,300; and allophycocyanin (APC), 14,000. Isoelectric focusing of each phycobiliprotein resulted in major bands isoelectric at the following pH values: PE, 4.43, 4.45; PC 4.32; APC, 4.38. Absorption spectra at ‐196°c showed maxima at 551 and 566 nm for PE; 598 and 631 nm for PC; and 590, 600, 629 and 650 nm for APC. Concentrated vs dilute difference spectra of phycobiliproteins showed increased absorption at 574 nm (PE), 630 nm (PC) and 651 nm (APC) suggesting that spectral changes resulted from aggregation. Fluorescence analysis of each phycobiliprotein and of intact phycobilisome preparations showed that energy absorbed by phycoerythrin is transferred to allophycocyanin, possibly by a resonance transfer mechanism. These observations support a model where allophycocyanin forms the base of the phycobilisome which is attached to the photosynthetic membrane. The next layer is assumed to be phycocyanin, which in turn is followed by a phycoerythrin layer that is the outermost layer (on the stroma side) of the phycobilisome.