Abstract The metadynamic recrystallization behavior of Cr-Co-Ni-Mo ultrahigh-strength martensitic stainless steel was studied in a double-pass isothermal compression test, and a metadynamic recrystallization kinetics model for softening was established. The results showed that the metadynamic recrystallization softening rate of the steel not only depended on the deformation temperature and strain rate but was also related to the dynamic precipitation and the local shear bands in the steel. When the deformation temperature was below 1050 °C, the dynamically precipitated M 6 C carbides pinned the grain boundaries and hindered metadynamic recrystallization. When the steel was deformed at a deformation temperature of 1000∼1050 °C and a strain rate of 1.0∼5.0 s −1 , a large number of local shear bands were generated. The local shear bands increased the number of nucleation sites for dynamic recrystallization and enhanced the softening rate of metadynamic recrystallization.