In the name of God Mastering the advanced sciences and technologies and moving toward the frontiers of knowledge have always been one the most recommended policies by the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, which will guarantee the country's development and prosperity.With a focus on strategic science and technologies, the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology has provided a suitable platform for establishing the knowledge-based economy to meet the country's needs and having an effective presence in the global market.For years, the oil-based economy of our country had shaped the attitude of the decision makers of this country.Hence, the absence of the main country's wealth, namely young and educated human resources, who are master in advanced and efficient sciences and technologies, was less sensed.Nonetheless, in the recent years, in order to change this attitude and employ the maximum scientific capacity of the country, based on the macro strategies of the country's comprehensive scientific plan, the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology has taken the country's top talents, researchers and educated university graduates into account, treating them as the main capital of this country.Researchers and graduates have always been one of the valuable assets of each country and of particular interest to policymakers and planners.Much of the development and achievement in science, technology and economy is carried out by this sector of the society.Over the past few years in our beloved homeland Iran, because of the inappropriate approach to national revenue in general and oil revenue in particular, the capabilities of this sector have been neglected.Meanwhile, the field of stem cell sciences and technologies is one of the strategic areas, which has very widespread capacities in different aspects, and now it is directed by a good planning, with the efforts of my colleagues in the Council for Development of Stem Cell Sciences and Technologies.Becoming proficient in the knowledge of stem cells and regenerative medicine, not only attains honor for the country at the international level, but also offers ample opportunities for occupation and establishment of the new knowledge-based companies, and provides appropriate answers to treat refractory diseases.Therefore, in addition to the development of various technologies, this field of science would achieve the goals of the modern knowledge-based economy and would have a respectable position in this regard.Cultural practices for promoting the knowledge-based economy, commercialization of the scientific ideas, supporting innovation and technology among students, researchers, professors, and business owners in the form of festivals, scientific congresses and Olympiads will facilitate the process of "translating ideas into product" as well as the identification of superior talents, and finally achieving effective outputs.Furthermore, providing forum for technology development and commercialization in the area of stem cell sciences, in the form of organizing "the second National Festival and the International Congress of stem cell sciences and regenerative medicine" and awarding the national prize, can be a great basis for attaining the objectives mentioned above.And here I would like to thank the organizers of the festival and I hope with the productive participation of all practitioners in this field, maintaining and improving the scientific status of the Islamic Republic of Iran would become possible.