Óscar Frausto Martínez,César Daniel Aguilar-Becerra,Orlando Colín-Olivares,Gabriel Sánchez-Rivera,Adel Hafsi,Alex Fernando Contreras-Tax,Wilberth David Uhu-Yam
The presence of extreme hydrometeorological threats has co-occurred with the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the potential risk of a disaster scenario occurring. The hurricane “Cristobal”, which impacted Mexico’s tropical regions, presented a high risk of contagion and death caused by the combined effects of violent winds, floods, and evacuations. This work aims to determine whether the presence of concurrent events during the pandemic caused an increase in confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the Yucatan Peninsula’s western sector. To achieve this, a numerical analysis and identification of the tropical storm’s extreme characteristics were conducted. Next, a combined analysis of the territorial system subject to flooding and the rainfall level reported during the emergency period was conducted at the municipal level. The third phase consisted of analyzing the confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 at the municipal level on four strategic dates (before, during, observation, and end of the emergency period). Finally, a content analysis of the emergency bulletins, action guides, and disaster declarations was carried out to identify the measures and adaptations implemented during the pandemic. It is recognized that emergency management measures were implemented for municipalities with more than 30 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and where the shelter capacity was reduced. Protocols for caring for people were followed, these being one of the leading adaptive methods. From the analyzed data, it can be pointed out that there is no direct evidence for an increase in positive COVID-19 cases in 10 of the municipalities. However, in the case of the municipality of Escarcega, there was a sudden increase in cases from June 8, which continues to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the study of multiple events to recognize the actions that can prevent catastrophes in these times of crisis.