RSV infection of the lower respiratory tract in infants is the leading cause of pediatric hospitalizations and second to malaria in causing infant deaths worldwide. RSV also causes substantial morbidity in immunocompromised and elderly populations. The only available therapeutic is a prophylactic drug called Palivizumab that is a humanized monoclonal antibody, given to high-risk infants. However, this intervention is expensive and has a limited impact on annual hospitalization rates caused by RSV. No vaccine is available, nor are efficacious antivirals to treat an active infection, and there is still no consensus on how infants with bronchiolitis should be treated during hospital admission. In this comprehensive review, we briefly outline the function of the RSV proteins and their suitability as therapeutic targets. We then discuss the most promising drug candidates, their inhibitory mechanisms, and whether they are in the process of clinical trials. We also briefly discuss the reasons for some of the failures in RSV therapeutics and vaccines. In summary, we provide insight into current antiviral development and the considerations toward producing licensed antivirals and therapeutics.