High-performance osmotic energy conversion (OEC) requires both high ionic selectivity and permeability in nanopores. Here, through systematical explorations of influences from individual charged nanopore surfaces on the performance of OEC, we find that the charged exterior surface on the low-concentration side (surfaceL) is essential to achieve high-performance osmotic power generation, which can significantly improve the ionic selectivity and permeability simultaneously. Detailed investigation of ionic transport indicates that electric double layers near charged surfaces provide high-speed passages for counterions. The charged surfaceL enhances cation diffusion through enlarging the effective diffusive area, and inhibits anion transport by electrostatic repulsion. Different areas of charged exterior surfaces have been considered to mimic membranes with different porosities in practical applications. Through adjusting the width of the charged ring region on the surfaceL, electric power in single nanopores increases from 0.3 to 3.4 pW with a plateau at the width of ~200 nm. The power density increases from 4200 to 4900 W/m2 and then decreases monotonously that reaches the commercial benchmark at the charged width of ~480 nm. While, energy conversion efficiency can be promoted from 4% to 26%. Our results provide useful guide in the design of nanoporous membranes for high-performance osmotic energy harvesting.