Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), with its advantages of low quantum defect and narrow gain bandwidth, has recently enabled an exciting path toward narrow-linewidth and low-noise lasers. Whereas almost all work to date has been in guided-wave configurations, adaptation to unguided Brillouin lasers (BLs) offers a greater capacity for power scaling, cascaded Stokes control, and greater flexibility for expanding wavelength range. Here, we report a diamond Brillouin laser (DBL) employing doubly resonant technology at 1064 nm. Brillouin output power of 22.5 W with a linewidth of 46.9 kHz is achieved. The background noise from the pump amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) is suppressed by 35 dB. The work represents a significant step toward realizing Brillouin oscillators that simultaneously have high power (tens-of-watts+) and kHz-linewidths.