Corrigendum to “Development and validation of the AMMON-OHE model to predict risk of overt hepatic encephalopathy occurrence in outpatients with cirrhosis” [J Hepatol 79(4) (2023 Oct) 967–976]
María Pilar Ballester,Thomas H. Tranah,Lorenz Balcar,Alessandra Fiorillo,Javier Ampuero,Annarein Kerbert,Karen Louise Thomsen,María Desamparados Escudero,Mattias Mandorfer,Thomas Reiberger,Debbie L. Shawcross,Manuel Romero‐Gómez,Carmina Montoliú,Juan Antonio Carbonell-Asíns,Rajiv Jalan
Development and validation of the AMMON-OHE model to predict risk of overt hepatic encephalopathy occurrence in outpatients with cirrhosisJournal of HepatologyVol. 79Issue 4PreviewNeuropsychological and psychophysical tests are recommended to assess the risk of overt hepatic encephalopathy (OHE), but their accuracy is limited. Hyperammonaemia is central in the pathogenesis of OHE, but its predictive utility is unknown. In this study, we aimed to determine the role of neuropsychological or psychophysical tests and ammonia, and to develop a model (AMMON-OHE) to stratify the risk of subsequent OHE development in outpatients with cirrhosis. Full-Text PDF It has come to our attention that the description of Fig. 4 in the published version of our manuscript could be confusing. The current title of the figure is “Prediction for the risk of future OHE using the AMMON-OHE random forest model”, but the y-axis of the figure is described as survival instead of risk. Both terms are complementary as risk could be defined as one minus the survival at a given point, but this could cause some confusion. Thus, the figure should be described as “Kaplan-Meier curve for the probability of survival to OHE using the AMMON-OHE random forest model”. In addition, the colors of the figure have been changed according to the Journal format and therefore the previous description of “Ribbons have been drawn by predicting OHE probability at one year with the AMMON-OHE model in all patients of the training cohort and using 0% (lower red), 33% (upper red/lower blue), 66% (higher blue/lower green) and 100% (upper green) percentiles” has to be changed to “Ribbons have been drawn by predicting OHE probability at one year with the AMMON-OHE model in all patients of the training cohort and using 0% (lower light blue), 33% (upper light blue/lower dark blue), 66% (upper dark blue/lower grey) and 100% (upper grey) percentiles”. Therefore, the legend to the new Fig. 4 should be as follows: Fig. 4. Kaplan-Meier curve for the probability of survival to OHE using the AMMON-OHE random forest model. The figure shows the probability of development of OHE in three hypothetical patients with high-risk (woman with diabetes mellitus, creatinine of 3.6 mg/dl, albumin of 2.7 g/dl and AMM-ULN of 2), medium-risk (man without diabetes, creatinine of 1.5 mg/dl, albumin of 3.2 g/dl and AMM-ULN of 1.1) and low-risk (man without diabetes, creatinine of 0.7 mg/dl, albumin of 4.5 g/dl and AMM-ULN of 0.5). Ribbons have been drawn by predicting OHE probability at 1 year with the AMMON-OHE model in all patients of the training cohort and using 0% (lower light blue), 33% (upper light blue/lower dark blue), 66% (upper dark blue/lower grey) and 100% (upper grey) percentiles.