Co-activation signal that induces/sustains pleiotropic effector functions of antigen-specific γδ T cells remains unknown. Here, Mycobacteria tuberculosis (Mtb) tuberculin administration during tuberculosis (TB) skin test resulted in rapid expression of co-activation signal molecules CD137 and CD107a by fast-acting Vγ2Vδ2 T cells in TB-resistant subjects (Resisters), but not patients with active TB. And, anti-CD137 agonistic antibody treatment experiments showed that CD137 signaling enabled Vγ2Vδ2 T cells to produce more effector cytokines and inhibit intracellular Mtb growth in macrophages (Mɸ). Consistently, Mtb antigen (Ag) HMBPP stimulation induced sustainable high-level CD137 expression in fresh and activated Vγ2Vδ2 T cells from uninfected subjects, but not TB patients. CD137